Health Camp Conducted at Lakkenahalli, Gubbi (T) Tumakuru (D) On 19th July 2023

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The Immunology & Arthritis Research & Education Trust, has organized this one-day free medical camp for the benefit of public in Lakkenahalli, Gubbi (T) Tumkuru District on 19th July 2023 (Wednesday), in association with ChanRe Rheumatology & Immunology Centre & Research and Hemadri Postgraduate centre.

The medical camp was conducted at Lakkenahalli village, and its organizing team consisted of volunteers from CRICR, CDL and IARE Trust, including Dr. Devaraj kori Rheumatologist, -CRICR, Dr. Yogarani physiotherapist -CRICR and lead by Mr. Sanjay kumar DN, CSR in charge of IARE trust.

The team arrived by 10.10 am and the camp was inaugurated with a welcome speech by Mr. Mohan VT, Asst. Professor, Hemadri postgraduate centre and followed by honouring all the doctors and volunteers by the Hemadri Postgraduate centre students.

Many villagers participated in the camp, and we are thankful to all Hemadri college Team and Elected members for the wide publicity.

In total, 109 villagers attended the medical camp. The Trust arranged for free Blood Sugar Level and Blood Pressure tests with the help of CDL, which was hugely useful for many villagers. Nearly 85 people underwent Rheumatoid and Autoimmune Disease health check-ups and Nearly 61people were benefitted with the medicines provided free of cost by IARET Drug Bank. 1 patient were referred by the doctors for investigations, further treatment, and Follow-ups to ChanRe RICR.

IARET will support their further treatment to the extent possible.

Necessary emergency drugs as per prescriptions of the doctors were dispensed to the patients in the camp, from IARET Drug Bank.